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It’s easy to support local with MIO. Look for the red MIO logo wherever you shop, eat, and play!

a red sign with white text and blue ribbon

We like keeping
dollars in our state.

When you make the choice to spend your dollars on a locally-made
product, you are not only choosing to support your neighbor, but
your dollar has a ripple effect that goes far beyond what you might
think. That dollar allows a small business owner to keep employees
on staff, keeps tax dollars in your community, and allows local
makers to continue making products that you know and love.

We have over


members and
still growing!

MIO companies
employ more than



Sales outside of
Oklahoma comprise


of MIO company sales.

Our Impact

MIO members and
companies span across


counties in Oklahoma
and continue to grow.

Made in Oklahoma
companies generate


annually helping drive
our economy forward.

MIO members
have created over


products and keep
developing more!

Made in Oklahoma companies generate


annually helping drive our economy forward.

We have over


members and still growing!

Our Impact

MIO companies employ more than



Sales outside of Oklahoma comprise


of MIO company sales.

MIO members and companies span across


counties in Oklahoma and continue to grow.

MIO members have created over


products and keep developing more!

We create opportunity
for all our members.

Our goal is to make it easy for Oklahomans to support
local companies wherever they shop, eat, and play. We do
this in a variety of ways, but primarily by creating
opportunities for local companies to get their products into
new retail outlets and restaurants, and then spotlighting
the stores and restaurants that support local makers.

Support local in more than one way.

The MIO Coalition has spent decades promoting locally owned food and beverage brands. Time and again, MIO Coalition members have discovered Oklahoman’s are willing to purchase locally produced food and beverage products once they can be identified in their favorite stores and restaurants.
By making consumers aware of the fantastic assortment of local food products available to them,
all Oklahoman’s win.

Local Recipes

Bring local straight to the dinner table utilizing hundreds of recipes that incorporate Made in Oklahoma products.


Discover over 800 restaurants across Oklahoma that infuse local food and beverage products into their menu.

“MIO was absolutely instrumental in
getting our sales ramped up.”
“It’s important to support local businesses, and
partnering with MIO has had a positive impact.”
“An MIO partnership allows us opportunity for
new connections, new ideas, and new products.”
“MIO was absolutely instrumental in
getting our sales ramped up.”
“It’s important to support local businesses, and
partnering with MIO has had a positive impact.”
“An MIO partnership allows us opportunity for
new connections, new ideas, and new products.”

Member Directory


2025 Recipe Guide