

What does it mean to be an MIO Restaurant? It means that a restaurant supports Oklahoma and its community to the point of purposefully using Made in Oklahoma ingredients on their menu, in their bar, and anywhere they can. For a restaurant to become part of the MIO partnership network, they must utilize a minimum number of MIO products on their menu and fill out an online application here.

MIO partner restaurants have access to the MIO logo for marketing, cross promotional social media and PR opportunities, an exclusive listing on the MIO website, and are eligible to become a Made in Oklahoma Restaurant of the Month. MIO’s goal in this partnership is to make it easy for Oklahomans to support local restaurants statewide by shining a spotlight on restaurants that go above and beyond to provide local choice to their patrons.

Receive these exclusive benefits when you become an MIO Restaurant Partner!

  • Access to the MIO logo for marketing
  • Exclusive restaurant listing on MIO website
  • MIO Partner window cling
  • Seasonal co-op advertising opportunities
  • Cross promotional social media and PR opportunities
  • Candidate for Restaurant of the Month


MIO Restaurants of the Month are recognized for going above and beyond the baseline qualifications for membership by offering a robust selection
of MIO products to their patrons. MIO restaurants of the month receive a plaque of recognition and are promoted digitally all month long.

Not a restaurant member? Learn more here.